How To Sell Fitness Products Online
If you?ve ever thought ?I?d like to put out and sell my own fitness products online? ? like maybe your own ebooks, video courses or membership programs? then this list is for you?
1. Almost every fitness trainer wants to put out and sell their own products on the internet, so you better have something interesting to say or teach, because this is not a build it and they will come industry, there?s FAR MORE to it than creating a product? things like?
- Your hook or ?point of differentiation?
- Ability to market yourself ? to get and convert traffic
- Ability to get affiliates
- Size and quality of your email list
9999 times out of 10,000? these things will have MUCH MORE weight on your ability to succeed at selling your products online, than the product itself
The world isn?t gonna knock down your door and give you money just because you have a fat loss and tone up program to sell them? they?ve already had people try to sell them ?get in shape? programs 73 times before noon today
You sure as hell better stand out if your fitness marketer #74
2. Most people who try to succeed online fail HARD
Remember, while the market for selling information products is global, so it?s a lot bigger than just selling training in your local area, it?s also MUCH more competitive. Your dealing with some super-duper savvy and smart marketers when it comes to selling fitness info-products on a global scale? And I do mean ?Super-Duper?
The reason most fail at it is?
- They think they can succeed in an hour a day
- They don?t take enough action
- They don?t properly go about getting affiliates
- They don?t have something different to sell
- They don?t have a good hook
- They don?t get enough quality traffic
- And if they did get the traffic, they typically have no idea how to strategically convert visitors into buyers
- They create the product but don?t create an online following
- They give up to soon
- They?re not willing to do the work
- They don?t learn the stuff they need to learn
It?s FAR easier to go build a local group training business or grow a boot camp to six-figures than it is to create a successful online fitness business
This isn?t to discourage you, it?s just to make sure you know the truth? that it takes knowledge, work and time? I can show almost anyone how to build a six-figure group PT business or boot camp in a six-month period, but the curve for info-products is *USUALLY* a little longer? more on the 1-2 year side?
Things like getting affiliates and building a list takes time
? HOWEVER, being that owning an info-business is one of the coolest things in the world, it?s definitely worth it ? it beats settling for a life of mediocrity any day
3. Don?t let ANYONE tell you, you can?t do it
Every successful fitness information marketer I know, and every single person I can think of who sells fitness products online, has an amazing amount of confidence in themselves
They?ve had to believe in themselves when no one else did, they?ve had to cut negative people out of their lives, they?ve had to trudge forward and appoint themselves an expert before anyone else would
They had to put in A LOT of work before they ever got paid, and know deep inside that it WOULD pay off? this often means making some BIG sacrifices? less training clients, less hours, maybe cutting back a bit on your own workouts, scaling back the social life a little?
And people telling you you?re crazy to spend so much time on something that doesn?t make you any money for months and months? sometimes longer
4. Be willing to become obsessed
Wanna know one of the biggest keys to selling your own products online successfully?
It?s to become absolutely, flat out ,100% obsessed with succeeding in the online fitness world?
Extreme cases of OCD are the norm? usually the more extreme the better? fitness info marketers live and breathe this stuff? it?s what they wanna talk about at parties, it what they?re thinking about when they?re doing cardio, it?s what they wanna read about? it?s a 7 day a week, 365 day a year obsession
5. Be different
There?s no denying this blog you?re reading right now, Kick Back Life, is very different from other Fitness Marketing Blogs
It?s not for everyone, and that?s cool
If you try to please everyone, you?ll sell to no one
You need to have a strong voice and something to say, and it can?t be something people?ve heard 1000 times
Take my buddy Jason Ferruggia?s blog and product line, it?s very different from everything else out there with his whole Renegade Training brand? From his blog, to his sleeve tattoos, to his programs like Renegade Cardio and The Renegade Diet to everything that dude does
He has a well defined brand that resonates with enough people to help make his blog the #1 strength training blog in the world
My friends Karina and Katrina also have a very well defined brand with their Tone It Up stuff, it?s helped position them all the way to Oakley Billboards which can be seen all over the country, to The Talk on CBS, front page of Competitor Magazine, Oprah, Vogue, Shape, Self? you name it
Be different and create a brand that really stands out
A back story is a great place to start? a reason why you do what you do? ESPECIALLY if you can integrate what Joseph Campbell called The Hero?s Journey ? I lay out my Hero?s Journey in the Fitness Internet Profits Sales Page
6. Get affiliates
One of the most challenging things you can do to build your fitness information business is to get affiliates
A few good affiliates can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales for you?
But the best affiliates don?t promote just anyone, in fact, they often times get hit up DAILY by people asking them to promote their stuff
Typically, you wanna go after as many affiliates as you can? from the guppies to the whales
If you?re a member of Fitness Internet Profits, be sure to go login and watch the kick ass tutorial I uploaded last week on getting affiliates ? I lay out my strategy in detail ? my first online launch did over $300,000 in billable sales in one week? and that was almost all from affiliates pushing my product
Basically the key is to start creating relationships with affiliates long before you have a product ready for them to promote
There?s a lot of good ways to do this, the best is to start with the giving hand and make a bunch of affiliate sales for them first. You can find lots of good affiliates with products to promote at ClickBank
7. Build a list
You need an email list of people who have raised their hands and are interested in what you have? usually this starts with you giving away something that helps people get closer to their health and fitness goals, makes reaching their health and fitness goals easier, solves a problem for them in this area of their lives or gets them some kind of result they want.
They give you their email ( opting in) and you send them the ?thing?
You then send them content based emails on a regular basis, where you plug stuff, typically either your own products or affiliate products ( and lots of fitness affiliate products pay out 75% commission, so the profits are nice )? and then you also send them straight pitches as well
Straight pitches typically make the most sales, but you can?t just pitch them stuff, otherwise you?ll have a hard time building quality relationships with your list, and the relationship is one of the most important aspects of email marketing
So be sure you send them quality content? but make it good, because remember? there?s tons of information out there, people are bombarded with it? so you really need to go the extra mile to make sure your stuff sticks out
I use Get Response to build, connect and market to my list of email subscribers? Aweber and IContact are two other good options. ( These also work great for marketing your local training business, you just set up separate campaigns all in the same account )
Most fitness info-marketers build their lists?
- Getting affiliates to mail to squeeze pages and offers
- Driving PPC traffic to squeeze pages
- Getting traffic to their blog and then having the visitor opt-in on a pop-up or opt-in box
8. Blog
Blogging is at the root of my entire information business? a blog allows you to?
- Get search engine traffic
- Drive traffic to content from social media sites and other fitness blogs and websites
- A place to sell your stuff, but one that attracts traffic with content and not just sales pitches
- Content to send your email subscribers
- Build relationships with your market, starting the relationship off with the giving hand
- Create authority in the industry
- It allows you to ?prove? you know what you?re talking about
- Create a strong brand
- Build your email list
One of the best examples of driving a fitness info-business with a blog is Jason Ferruggia
9. Learn, Learn, Learn
The learning curve to creating a successful fitness information marketing business is MUCH bigger than the one to building a successful local based training business
Lots of trainers succeed in growing a successful training business without ever picking up one marketing book or buying one ?client-getting? course? typically either by networking like a madman? or because they just have one of those magnetic personalities? or they?re naturally good at ?selling? ? or they?re an extremely confident and driven Type A Personality and have it in their gut that they?ll succeed no matter what, and then they take massive action in the direction of their goals
Building a 6-Figure fitness training business is pretty easy and with the right attitude and enough action, you can get by without learning a bunch of stuff
Not so when it comes to selling fitness products online? in fact every successful fitness information marketer I know invests both money and time into their education on a regular basis
There?s a lot that goes into building a successful online fitness info-business, including?
- Persuasive Writing
- Email Marketing
- List Building
- Blogging
- Getting Traffic
- Converting Traffic
- Product Creation
- Outsourcing
- Affiliate Marketing
If coming out with your own fitness info-products is something you?re interested in, and you?re willing to give it your all, the *best* first step you can take is to join the Fitness Internet Profits program? this will teach you everything you need to know
There?s tons of tutorials in there right now, and throughout each month I?ll be loading lots of new modules and tutorials into the portal, to make sure you stay on the cutting-edge of the ever-changing world of info-marketing and online marketing, helping to make sure you reach your goals
Now, keep in mind, succeeding at selling your own fitness products online is typically a bigger and more challenging road than creating a successful local based training business, but the rewards can be HUGE? it is absolutely the coolest way in the world to make a living
If you?re up to the challenge, then Click Here To Get Started On The Journey
Often times people ask me about what tools I use in my info marketing business, here are the main ones?
Kajabi ? This is the software I use to make my salepages, squeeze pages and membership portals as well as run my entire product launches ? LOVE IT? I?ve ran the last 4 of my launches through it, VERY USER FRIENDLY
Get Response ? This is the email marketing management software I use to build, connect and market to my list of email subscribers? Aweber and IContact are two other good options
1AutomationWhiz ? This is the shopping cart I use to sell stuff online? been using them for years
- Get new clients on a steady, reliable and predictable basis
- Create multiple sources of fitness income
- Sell your knowledge of health and fitness, in information products and online training and coaching programs, to people all over the world? 24 hours a day? 7 days a week? 365 days a year
- Make big profits referring people to fitness affiliate products you believe in? Like supplements, nutrition programs, workout programs, ebooks, fitness software? you name it? and often times you can make as much as 75% of the sale
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