Friday, July 20, 2012

Report: NFL Referees Union says a lockout of refs puts players at risk

The locked-out NFL referees? union is taking to the airwaves to state their case, trying to generate support for their cause by touching on the biggest hot button topic of the day in the most popular sport in the country ? player safety.

NFLRA President Scott Green went on the record today to make the union?s case that the use of replacement officials, who begin training at so-called ?scab clinics? like one this weekend in Dallas, won?t be as good at their jobs when the season rolls around because their trainers are not as good as the usual NFL refs.

From the USAToday article:

?Let me just summarize and say the folks that are going to be on the field are not NFL-quality officials that fans, players and coaches are used to seeing,? said NFLRA president and NFL official?Scott Green. ?The concern I would have is player safety. If calls aren?t being made there will probably be additional things going on out on the field and that potentially could lead to a lot of player-safety issues.?

The case is simple ? because the NFLRA and the league are at odds over a new contract for the officials, there will be no current referees present at the training sessions. ?Therefore, the training the replacement officials receive won?t be up to par, which could lead to more dangerous plays on the field.

The negotiations are not even remotely close at this point; after talks broke off on June 3rd, the sides haven?t gotten any closer than the roughly $16.5 Million that they were split when they stopped talking. And with the NFL season less than two months away (giggity!), it doesn?t look like there is going to be any kind of quick fix here.

So get ready for endless stories about how bad the NFL refs are this year. ?Hey, even the replacements can?t be worse than the guys working the NBA.

Big D

Sports freak, gambling guru, and a whole lot of other stuff in between. I'm what you'd call a "Streaky Tweeter". I support any team whose name begins with "Boston" except BC. Openly argue with the rest of the writers about the greatness of Michigan football and Duke Basketball.

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Tags: concussions, lockout, NFL, Referees, Union


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