Wednesday, July 10, 2013



All I can say is that the winds are slowly shifting, come prepared Tommy and seize the moment.

Make no mistake, the reason he?s being invited is to crush him and the EDL once and for all. If he manages to hold his ground, he could thrust the debate about fundamentalist Islam and mass immigration of their numbers into a national/international debate over night, and with new legitimacy.


Category:?EDL News?Published on Sunday, 07 July 2013 21:20?Written by EDL Writing

EDL leader Tommy Robinson has accepted an invitation to speak at the Oxford Union.? He joins a long list of distinguished speakers and shapers of world events including Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Ronald Reagan, and Henry Kissinger in being granted the honour of speaking at The Union.? In the words of?its website:

?The Union is the world?s most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. It has been established for 189 years, aiming to promote debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.?

Tommy is honoured by their invitation and looks forward to sharing the views of the EDL with the eminent scholars and orators of Oxford University.? They will leave the event with an accurate impression of the EDL and its leader rather than the unwarranted and libellous depictions of the legacy media.

However, not everyone is happy with the decision to invite Tommy to Oxford.? The usual shrill voices are already being raised in opposition.? The familiar cry of ?I believe in free speech but?? are now echoing around the dreaming spires.? There are clearly people in the university community who are afraid of real debate and the open exchange of ideas that used to be an essential part of a university education.

There are clearly those who only like Tommy to speak in a hostile environment.? If a fair hearing is provided they do not like it.? They attempted to stage a show trial on a recent BBC 3 programme, but ended up embarrassing themselves.

Nathan Akehurst writing in?The Oxford Student Online?made his views quite clear in his article entitled ?The Oxford Union must revoke Tommy Robinson?s invitation?.? In the article he resorts to the usual slanderous allegations voiced by the authoritarian left.? A tirade of name calling and unsubstantiated allegations are the main weapons of his opposition to the EDL.? He never backs up his arguments with actual evidence.

The reason he cannot provide evidence that the EDL is racist or fascist is because it is neither.? Quite the contrary, the EDL is an organisation founded on the values of classical liberalism as its?Mission Statement?makes quite clear.? Mr Akehurst would certainly benefit from attending the event organised by the Oxford Union and listening to Tommy?s actual views rather than those he has concocted in his own vivid imagination.

More here.


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