While the current job market is not at its peak, single mothers who have gone back to college and completed a degree now have an advantage over those who have not gone to college. They are now able to obtain better jobs and better pay much more easily. Having a degree gives them the needed expertise in a particular field that makes them desirable to employers.
Single moms who want to go back to college but are afraid that they cannot afford it can find a variety of options for free money. Many scholarships and grants are available to help fund college, and the fact that they were earned will be a great addition to a future resume. A single mom who knows what career field she is interested in can find ways to earn even more money through industry specific scholarships.
When a single mother begins to consider a return to school, she should schedule a visit to the school?s financial aid office. A meeting with a financial aid officer can time well spent as well, because these individuals can give a plethora of information about the various scholarships available at the school itself. They can also help moms to find places online that offer scholarships, and they can help individuals decide if they will qualify for these monies.
Financial aid offices also offer information about government grants and loans. The Department of Education has programs in place to make finding money easier and less of a burden to pay back if a loan is needed. Almost every student who attends any type of institute for higher learning takes advantage of these programs at some point.
The most important thing a single mother can do in preparation to go back to school is make sure it is not going to cause unnecessary financial stress to her family. These available funding sources can help to ensure that going back to school does not become more of a hindrance than a help.
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Source: http://articles-maniac.tk/a-scholarship-can-help-you-get-money-for-school/reference-education/
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