Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to make a cross class/cultural relationship work?

I'd like to hear some experiences regarding cross cultural and/or "class" relationships. If your partner has a different cultural background and/or comes from another social class, how have you made it work or has it worked at all?

I'm a biracial bisexual woman who comes from a rich family, had two new cars before i had my drivers license and have gone to private school since i was a toddler- yes i was enrolled in a toddler computer course. I'm going to school to get my degree in law. The love of my life is 11 years my senior, white, straight, and grew up on welfare, spent most of his life homeless hitchhiking through Europe in the punk rock scene and lives on SSI disability income. The biggest problem isn't with us it's with other people. His family always expects me to support him and mine thinks hes beneath me, and it makes things so hard. he cannot spend any time with my family without being insulted and I sometimes feel uncomfortable with his friends and family because before him I didn't know what food stamps or welfare even was. I think it can work you just have to set ahead of time what you want your life together to be like. Like I feel that I constantly have to pull him up but theres a standard of living that I want and you have to let him know either you meet this or a I can't do this. Love him in spite of it but don't let him bring you down.

Hmmy, tricky. Depends on what cultural background you are from. try to keep in mind what brought the two of you together in the first place and focus on that. Compromise is key of course. If you are from two very Strong Cultures and have traditional conflicts in your beliefs you will have to look past them.

Cross Class/ Cultural Reships RARELY, IF EVER work??too many probs like bringing up the the Children, Holiday Celebrations, etc, etc?. just like Long Distances Rel'ships!
NO INSULT Intended but, I was brought up to, "Stick to your OWN Kind"??makes life a heck of a lot easier!

Tags: computer course, Human Interest, rich family, biggest problem
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