If you are in the position of wanting to stop smoking then you probably have been given different advice from lots of people saying you should use this method or you should use that method. Once you start the process of stopping smoking you will most often try a method and have varying degrees of success.
What might help any of the smoking cessation methods your try is to hold on to the notion that the act of smoking is actually partial chemical brainwashing. This is not so much a method as a concept and the main one that you will need to aid and increase your efforts to stop smoking.
Precisely what is this notion of a chemical brainwashing and why haven?t you learned about it before? It is actually well known that nicotine is a harmful poison; it?s got addictive properties very similar to class A drugs such as cocaine and heroine. For many the years tobacco producing companies happen to be adding more and more nicotine to cigarettes raising the possibility of addiction.
Nicotine in cigarette smoke has a very fast acting process and when inhaled the chemicals reach your brain easily. But they begin to withdraw quite quickly from your central nervous system and also this rapid withdrawal results in a feeling of unrest within your body, and the only thing which makes it feel good is to relieve this mental and physical anxiety is actually by taking in fresh nicotine, in less than A couple of hours in most cases.
What happens to your brain is a chemical change giving you the sensation that you can only feel at ease when you?ve got more nicotine, and it is exactly what keeps people addicted. It is a combination of emotional and physical rationality not a rational response because of the subtle nature of the chemical brainwashing which is very powerful from the chemicals inside cigarettes. So employ this information and put it together with anyone of your suggested methods to aid your smoking cessation efforts.
Visit www.MyWorkPlaceWellbeing.net for free information and resources about Smoking Cessation and Stress Management
Tags: addiction, fitness, health, Health and Fitness, quit smoking, self development, smoking cessation, stop smoking, stress management
Source: http://www.healthandfitnessarticlesblog.com/stopping-smoking-and-chemical-brainwashing/
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